Leadership, Interviews Omar Morales Leadership, Interviews Omar Morales

Interview with Jose Pepe Estrada, Director of Public Affairs at Walmart

In case you didn’t know: Walmart is big. It’s so big, it is the largest private employer in the United States, with over 1.5 million employees. Now imagine driving change from the top, having the support of the CEO to lead Walmart’s efforts in community outreach.

Meet Jose (Pepe) Estrada, the Director of Public Affairs at Walmart. Over the past 15 years, he’s worked with LatinX, LGBTQ, American Indian, People with Disabilities, and Emerging Generations communities. He’s even led Walmart’s first influencer-based reputation management initiative.

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Family, Leadership Omar Morales Family, Leadership Omar Morales

Growing up Latino

I’m a proud second-generation Latino. My childhood was a mix of dancing salsa in the kitchen during family gatherings while my mom served up fresh homemade tamales. But like many second-generation Latinos, I had to balance that life with growing up in an almost all-white Catholic elementary school in New Jersey.

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Leadership, Project Management Omar Morales Leadership, Project Management Omar Morales

Feeling lost? Do this instead.

Many years ago, I was on a failing project, which was stressful for all involved. Another project manager asked me about a very specific type of piping that I didn’t know about and she berated me for it. “How can you call yourself a project manager and not know that,” she said. My response? How can you consider yourself a good project manager if you think you need to. Confused? Let me explain.

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Leadership Omar Morales Leadership Omar Morales

5 skills CEOs and project managers have in common

Believe it or not, project managers share many of the same skill sets as CEOs. It’s just a difference of scale: CEOs manage companies and project managers manage the projects that generate more revenue for companies. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that project managers are CEOs in training, since their day-to-day responsibilities are a microcosm of what to expect in the C-suite. Are you a project manager with CEO aspirations? Here are five skills project managers and CEOs have in common.

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