My Morning Routine: Kickstarting the Day with F3 Nation

A lot of people say that they’re not a morning person, and three years ago, that was me. But when I wanted to start working out again, I found I was too tired after work to go to the gym, so something had to change. I finally committed to going to a few morning classes and it was the best thing I’ve ever done for my health.

After the first class, I noticed right away that I just felt amazing. It was a literal kickstart to the day and the positive energy I felt poured into all of my interactions with people. It even helped me make healthier decisions in the night leading up to my next morning workout, like getting to bed on time, for example.

When COVID-19 hit and the gym closed, I substituted my classes for running but missed weight training and the social interaction that came with being in a class setting.

Then my neighbor in Houston talked me into attending F3 nation, group workouts for men that start at 5:30 a.m. every morning.

It’s completely different from working out in the gym. All of the sessions are outside and we use materials in the environment around us to workout, whether it be a parking barrier for push ups or running up a parking ramp lot for a natural incline. (At F3 nation Kingdom in Houston, we used a church parking lot to workout in.)

Because each session is led by a different volunteer and not the same instructor, I’m constantly trying new things.

The coolest thing that’s different about it is that F3 nation is more than a workout, it’s a community. At the end of each session, we talk for 15 minutes about men’s issues, on topics like how to be a better husband or how to be a better father—it’s really inspiring. It’s also helped me build a support system of guy friends as an adult in Houston, and now that I’ve joined F3 nation in New Orleans, I’ve found a built-in support system here right away since moving.

The craziest thing about F3 nation? It’s free!

If you’re looking to start your own morning routine, I can’t recommend it enough. They have hundreds of locations all over the country.

You can learn more here.

Do you have a morning routine to kickstart your day? What is it? Tell me in the comments below or tweet @theomarproject on Twitter.


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