Family, Entrepreneurship Omar Morales Family, Entrepreneurship Omar Morales

My Next Big Move

It's 2018 and I'm flying off on the very first helicopter ride to Appomattox—a large platform in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico that I helped design and build at Shell. Like a floating city, these platforms perform operations with the precision of a surgeon, miles beneath the ocean floor—so they're pretty impressive.

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Family, Project Management Omar Morales Family, Project Management Omar Morales

What I’ve learned

It’s hard to believe that it’s only been six months since I hit “publish” on that first post. But here we are, six months into a venture that has helped me grow exponentially as a project manager and as a person.

The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was the fear of putting myself out there. I remember sitting in my living room with my wife, Phoenix, at my side. It took me hours to hit publish on the first article, “What is Project Management.” I had so many questions running through my head. What are people going to think? Are they going to like what I’m doing?

Having never posted anything before, I didn’t know what to expect from a readership standpoint, either. Would hundreds of people read my post right away? Or would it be crickets?

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Family, Leadership Omar Morales Family, Leadership Omar Morales

Growing up Latino

I’m a proud second-generation Latino. My childhood was a mix of dancing salsa in the kitchen during family gatherings while my mom served up fresh homemade tamales. But like many second-generation Latinos, I had to balance that life with growing up in an almost all-white Catholic elementary school in New Jersey.

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