What I’ve learned

What I’ve learned

It’s hard to believe that it’s only been six months since I hit “publish” on that first post. But here we are, six months into a venture that has helped me grow exponentially as a project manager and as a person.

The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was the fear of putting myself out there. I remember sitting in my living room with my wife, Phoenix, at my side. It took me hours to hit publish on the first article, “What is Project Management.” I had so many questions running through my head. What are people going to think? Are they going to like what I’m doing?

Having never posted anything before, I didn’t know what to expect from a readership standpoint, either. Would hundreds of people read my post right away? Or would it be crickets? 

In the end, it was pretty anticlimactic. That first post ended up getting a few likes—just enough to motivate me to keep going.

That first post taught me that just because you put content out there doesn’t mean people will actually see it. Most people are so inundated with content that the bar for reading it is high.  

In many of my early posts, I didn’t know who might benefit from what I was writing, but I thought it was valuable. Some of those posts didn’t get much traction or likes, but as I continued putting content out, I made it a point to improve a little bit every time, and eventually, I started getting feedback from readers. Apart from getting over the fear of starting, persistence is key.

My vision for The Omar Project

There are a lot of great resources and organizations out there that teach project management, but they’re all focused on the tactical part of it. For me, the emotional intelligence required to be a great project manager is just as, if not more important. It’s a people-forward position. It takes a leader to be a great project manager. What has taken me over a decade to learn, I want to teach you right away.

My big vision for The Omar Project is to build a community of learners and professionals. People who want to understand not just the tactical side of project management, but the emotional part of it, too. I want this to be a community of project managers helping other project managers to accelerate their development and become great at what they do. Project managers have the skill set to move up the ladder in any organization (even to the level of CEO), and I want to help others achieve that.

The community aspect is already underway with The Omar Project Podcast. When you listen to it, you’ll be learning from some of the best project managers and leaders in the industry who are experts in their fields. In less than an hour, you can gain valuable insights into what has taken them years to learn. 

Are you already listening to the podcast? Tell me what you think by posting a review. 

What do you want from The Omar Project?

Now I’m opening up the floor to you. What would you like to see from The Omar Project? What are the things you most want to learn about project management?

I’ve created a 5-minute Google Survey that you can fill out and help guide me as I craft future content, including a complete course on project management. At the end of the day, I’m doing this for the community, so your feedback is vital in shaping the future of The Omar Project.

I want to close by thanking the friends, coworkers, readers from all across the globe that continue to visit and support The Omar Project . I’m excited for what lies ahead in the next six months (I will have some major announcements), and I invite you to come along for the journey. 


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